
    Objectives & Functions


    1. To construct and maintain all minor irrigation structures below 250 Hectares
    2. To construct and maintain soil and water harvesting structures with people’s participation.
    3. To create awareness and capacity building on soil and water conservation issues
    4. To create awarenss and promote `Social Forestry’
    5. To promote proper utilization of water harvesting structures


    1. To spend atleast 85% of the State funds made available by 31.03.2012
    2. To attain certain physical targets in Water Conservation Department.
    3. To complete good quality training and preparatory activities for IWMP
    4. To initiate certain long term measures in improving the working of Director Soil Conservation.
    5. To promote people’s participation on soil and water conservation activities
    6. To create and activate Water Utilization Division in Local Sector
    7. To make verification of created assets in irrigation and create data base
    8. To use Social Forestry as a medium for capacity building of Gram Panchayats in massive tree planting.
    9. To initiate steps for reorganization of Social Forestry Department.
    10. To start process of monitoring and evaluation in Water Conservation Department